Pen plots can include ink from many pens and how they behave may differ. While some of these can be set when a new color is encountered it is often better and less error prone to define them upfront. It further allows you to specify specific axidraw options for each pen, e.g. travel speed.

pen(color, tip_size = NULL, offset = c(0, 0), options = NULL)



The color that this pen corresponds to.


The size of the line the pen leaves on the paper in mm


The x and y offset from the starting pen tip


An axi_options object. See the documentation for axi_options() for all the settings.


An axi_pen object


pen(color = 'forestgreen', tip_size = 2)
#> Color..... (forestgreen)
#> Tip....... 2 mm
#> Offset.... x: 0 mm, y: 0 mm
# Combine multiple pens c( pen(color = 'forestgreen', tip_size = 2), pen(color = 'steelblue', tip_size = 1, options = axi_options(speed_down = 15)) )
#> Color..... (forestgreen)
#> Tip....... 2 mm
#> Offset.... x: 0 mm, y: 0 mm
#> * * *
#> Color..... (steelblue)
#> Tip....... 1 mm
#> Offset.... x: 0 mm, y: 0 mm